Open 5 Days A Week
M: 8AM - 5PM
T-Th: 7AM - 7PM
F: 8AM - 5PM
Stay Safe & Relax In The Dentist’s Chair
At Advanced Dental Center, we know that a dental appointment is not everyone’s idea of a good time. And that’s why we offer both laughing gas sedation and oral conscious sedation for all patients.
Sedation dentistry has a lot of great benefits. First, it helps you overcome feelings of anxiety and fear that may otherwise stop you from getting the treatment you need. Even if you have dental anxiety, you can get expert care from our doctors.
With sedation, you'll also feel more comfortable in the dentist’s chair, which is very important for long appointments that may take 2+ hours. You can relax throughout your entire procedure, and get through it more easily.
Sedation dentistry can also help improve your pain tolerance, mitigate fear of needles such as numbing needles, and even impair your gag reflex. Interested in these benefits? Contact Advanced Dental Center now to schedule your appointment.
Laughing gas sedation uses a mixture of nitrous oxide, which is sent directly into your lungs through a comfortable nose mask. The gas will be absorbed into your bloodstream through the tiny blood vessels in your lungs, and take effect almost immediately.
You will feel safe, calm, and comfortable, but will be completely conscious and able to respond to commands. You may even find your situation to be funny or strange, which is why nitrous oxide is called “laughing gas.”
Laughing gas wears off about 5 minutes after your procedure ends, and it does not have any serious after-effects. You may feel a little confused, disoriented, or nauseated, but this will pass quickly. You can drive yourself home or even go back to work after laughing gas sedation.
Oral conscious sedation uses a pill-based sedative. You’ll take the pill about 60-90 minutes before your appointment at our office. You may be asked to fast (avoid eating and drinking) for a few hours before your appointment, depending on your situation.
Once the medicine takes hold, you will feel very drowsy and groggy. You may even fall asleep and forget what happens during your procedure at Advanced Dental Center. However, you will still be conscious, and you can respond to commands or be woken up if this is necessary.
Oral conscious sedation has much longer after-effects than nitrous oxide sedation. Your reflexes and decision-making abilities will be impaired for up to 4-6 hours or longer, so you cannot drive yourself home. You will need to bring someone with you to our office who can drive you home and make sure you get home safely.
As you recover and the sedation wears off, you may feel nauseated, confused, dizzy, or have dry mouth. You may also feel drowsy and fatigued. Once you get home, take it easy for the rest of the day and relax. As time goes on, these effects will fade.